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Judgement and valuation of Ski resorts and developers projects.

We offer complete valuation and judgement of potential and progress for existing and also new skiresorts, their future plans, improvement, growth and possibilities. We offer valuation of the accuracy and payback of investition needed for skiresorts future business projects.
We base our judgement on 60 different qualities every good skiresort should have. The outcome is objective, relevant and very useful for the skiresort´s economical purposes.

Snowmaking technology.

Planing and calculation of the snowmaking chains : from: water resourse- cumulation-power of compressors-size of pipes and water lines-power and quality of snow guns, cannons or showers- to : calculation of time needed for snowmaking, depending on the size of piste and amount of snow coverage needed.

– planing of snow chain road, placing of snowsystems, snowguns and showers
– choosing of appropriate machines and materials concerning the best value
– ordering supplies, organizing subcontractors´ jobs
– technical overview of realization
– training of staff, startup of snowsystems

Choosing of snow grooming caterpillars:
Advising buyers, considering: brand name, type and economical value of snowcats offered on the market, based on skiresort´s needs, assistance and repairs (when buying used machines), training of staff and startup of snowcats.

Creating and building of fun attracions made of snow (castle, slides..)
